
1. I will sit on the chair or on mom’s lap if I want to

2. The man/lady will put a funny looking cap on my head after he/she has placed a belt over my chest

3. It might feel a little tight but after a while it will feel OK

4. It is very important that I don’t touch the cap or touch my ears

5. The man/lady will squirt some liquid into the holes in the cap through blunted syringe-needle

6. It may feel wet but it won’t hurt

7. I can watch the movie while this is happening

8. The man/lady will tell me when he is ready to record my qEEG

9. I will try to sit very still and watch an interesting movie

10. Once we are done the man/lady will take the cap off

11. The he/she will clean my hair

12. Then I am done

13. Everyone is very happy I have done a good job!